





  • (with David Skinner), Music and Instruments of the Middle Ages (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2020: accepted).
  • Daily Musical Life in Early Modern Spain: Hearing Barcelona, 1470-1620 (under

consideration by OUP).


Articles and book chapters


  • Chapter 2: The Age of Discovery, in (eds) Walter Aaron Clark and Álvaro Torrente, The Cambridge History of Music in Spain (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022).
  • ‘The meeting of the International Musicological Society in Barcelona in 1936’, in (ed.) Juan José Carreras, La musicología en la Edad de Plata (Zaragoza: Institución Fernando el Católico) (2022).
  • (with Juan José Carreras), ‘Musical Performance and Court Politics’, in Erin Griffey (ed.), Early Modern Court Culture (2021).
  • ‘Daily Musical Life in Early Modern Spain’, in (eds) Rodrigo Cacho Casal and Caroline Egan, Routledge Companion to Early Modern Spanish Literature and Culture (Routledge, 2020: accepted).
  • (with Erika Supria Honisch and Ferrán Escrivà-Llorca), ‘On the Trail of a Knight of

Santiago: Collecting Music and Mapping Knowledge in Renaissance Europe’ (Music & Letters, 2020: accepted).

  • ‘The Sensory Aesthetics of Death in the Renaissance’, in A Cultural History of Death

(London: Bloomsbury, 2020: accepted).

  • ‘Música, ceremonia y espacio en el Jaén del Condestable Iranzo (1473)’, Boletín del Instituto de Estudios Giennenses, 221, 2020: accepted).
  • ‘La experiencia sonora en las ciudades de la Corona de Aragón en el siglo XV’, in Francesc Villanueva & Rosa Isusi (eds), La Corona de Aragón. Investigación sobre el patrimonio musical y transferencia del conocimiento (Valencia, 2020: accepted).
  • ‘Performing and Listening to the cancionero Repertory in the Fifteenth Century’, in (eds) João Pedro d’Alvarenga & Esperanza Rodríguez, The Anatomy of Polyphony Around 1500 (Kassel: Edition Reichenberger, 2020: accepted).
  • ‘The Requiem Mass of Pedro de Escobar’, David Burn, The Book of Requiems: Book 1, Up to ca. 1650 (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2020: accepted).
  • ‘Devotion, Representation, Music and Liturgy at the Court of Isabel la Católica’, in Hilaire Kallendorf, A Companion to Isabel la Católica (Leuven: Brill, 2020).


Music editions


  • The Complete Works of Pedro de Escobar (Lisbon: CESEM).




  • (co-author with Kenneth Kreitner), The Music of Juan de Anchieta (Oxford & New York: Routledge, 2019).
  • (with Ascensión Mazuela-Anguita), Hearing the City in Early Modern Europe (Turnhout: Brépols, 2018).
  • (ed.) with Ascensión Mazuela-Anguita, Música i política en temps de Carles III i el seu context europeu, (Barcelona: Museu d’Història de Barcelona, 2017).
  • (ed.) Companion to Music in the Age of the Catholic Monarchs (Leiden: Brill, 2017).
  • (ed.) Els sons de Barcelona a l’edat moderna, Textures 6 (Barcelona: Museu d’Història de Barcelona, 2016).

·         ed. (with Emilio Ros-Fábregas), New Perspectives on Early Music in Spain and Portugal (Kassel: Reichenberger Edition, 2016).

  • (with Bernadette Nelson), Pure Gold: Sacred Music of the Iberian Renaissance. A Homage to Bruno Turner (Kassel: Reichenberger Edition, 2011).
  • (with Geoffrey Baker), Music and Urban Society in Colonial Latin America (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011).
  • Catálogo de los impresos musicales de la Colección de Uclés (Cuenca: Instituto de Música Religiosa, 2009).
  • (with Álvaro Torrente), Devotional Music in the Iberian World, 1450-1800: The Villancico and Related Genres (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007) (Robert M. Stevenson Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Iberian Music, American Musicological Society 2008).
  • (with Iain Fenlon), Early Music Printing and Publishing in the Iberian World (Barcelona: Reichenberger Edition, 2006).
  • Lamúsica y los músicos en la corte de Fernando de Aragón, 1474-1516 (Zaragoza: Institución Fernando el Católico, 2000).
  • (with Luis Robledo, Cristina Bordas, Juan José Carreras), Aspectos de la cultura musical en la Corte de Felipe II (Madrid: Patrimonio Musical Español, 2000).
  • (ed.) (with David Fallows), Companion to Medieval and Renaissance Music (London: Dent, 1992; R/ Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997).




                         Articles and book chapters


  • ‘The Polyphonic Songs Attributed to Pedro de Escobar’, Revista Portuguesa de Musicología, 6/1 (2019), 183–210.
  • ‘The Written Transmission of Polyphonic Song in Spain c.1500: The Case of the Segovia Manuscript’, in Wolfgang Furhmann & Cristina Urchueguía, The Segovia Manuscript: A European Musical Repertory in Spain, c.1500, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Music, 20 (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2019), 231–263.
  • ‘Musical Representation in the Domestic Context in Early Modern Barcelona’, Revista Digital de Musicología, vol. 6 (2018).
  • ‘Approaches to Text-Setting in Castilian-Texted Devotional Songs c.1500’, in (ed.) Marie-Alexis Colin, Music and Musicians in Europe from the Late Middle Ages to Modernism. Essays in Memory of Frank Dobbins (Turnhout: Brepols, 2018), 427–453.
  • ‘Orality and Aurality: Contexts for the Unwritten Musics of Sixteenth-Century Barcelona’, Hearing the City in Early Modern Europe, (eds) Tess Knighton & Ascensión Mazuela-Anguita, (Turnhout: Brépols, 2018), 295–308.
  • ‘Voces angélicas, voces femeninas: música y espiritualidad en la época de Santa Teresa de Jesús (1515-1582)’, in Santa Teresa o la llama permanente. Estudios históricos, artísticos y literarios en el V centenario del nacimiento de la Santa (1515-2015), (eds) Esther Borrego & Jaime Olmedo (Madrid: Centro de Estudios Europa, 2017), 57–70.
  • ‘Traditions and Transitions: Instrumental Music at the Court of Ferdinand and Isabel’, in (ed.) Tess Knighton, Companion to Music at the Time of the Catholic Monarchs (Leiden: Brill, 2017), 97–144.
  • ‘Relating History: Music and Meaning in the relacionesof the Canonization of St Raymond Penyafort’, in eds) Manuel Pedro Ferreira & Teresa Cascudo, Música e História: Estudos em homenagem a Manuel Carlos de Brito (Lisbon: Colibri/CESEM), 2017), 27–52. 
  • ‘Music for the Soul: Death and Piety in Sixteenth-Century Barcelona’, in (ed.) Daniele V. Filippi & Michael Noone, Listening to Early Modern Catholicism: New Perspectives from Musicology (Leiden: Brill, 2017), 238–258.
  • ‘Musical Instruments in the Domestic Sphere in Early Modern Barcelona’, in Els sons de Barcelona a l’edat moderna, (ed.) Tess Knighton, Textures 6 (Barcelona: Museu d’Història de Barcelona, 2016), 131–151.
  • ‘Gonçalo de Baena’s “Arte pera tanger” (Lisbon, 1540): Local and International Repertories’, in (ed.) Manuel Pedro Ferreira, Musical Exchanges, 1150-1600: Iberian Connections, Iberian Early Music Studies, 2 (Kassel: Reichenberger Edition, 2016).
  • Catalogue of the Exhibition ‘Fernando II de Aragón. El rey que imaginó España y la abrió a Europa’, Aljafería, Zaragoza (10 March-7 June 2015: two entries: ‘Libro cantoral: Gradual Pars Altera (Catedral de Huesca); ‘Libro con música de las capillas de Fernando e Isabel (E-TZ 2/3)’.
  • (with Ascensión Mazuela-Anguita), ‘The Soundscape of the Ceremonies Held for the Beatification of St Teresa of Avila in the Crown of Aragon, 1614’, Revista Internacional de Literatura i Cultura Medieval i Moderna, 6 (2015), 225–250.
  • ‘Spanish Songs for Christmas Eve from the Early 16th-Century’, Early Music, 43/3 (2015), 455–469.
  • ‘A New Cathedral and the New English Singers: The Recuperation and Performance of Sixteenth-Century Spanish Music in England in the Early Twentieth Century’, Revista de Musicología, 37/2 (2014), 541–558.
  • ‘John Brande Trend (1887-1958) and His “iter hispanicum”’, Music & Letters, 95 (2014), 550–583.
  • ‘La última trayectoria de los Reyes Católicos’, En la Andalucía medieval, XII/46 (2014), 82–87.
  • ‘“Rey Fernando, mayorazgo/ de toda nuestra esperanza/ ¿tus favores a do están?”: Carlos V y la llegada a España de la capilla musical flamenca’, in (eds) José Eloy Hortal Muñoz & Félix Labrador Arroyo, La Casa de Borgoña. La Casa del rey de España (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2014), 205–228.
  • ‘La viuda de Mateo Flecha: perspectivas sobre el mecenazgo musical en el siglo XVI’, Resonancias, 33 (2013), 71–87.
  • ‘Trend, Falla y el resurgir del interés por la música antigua en España durante la primera mitad del siglo XX’, Boletín de la Institución Libre de Enseñanza, 2a época, 89–90 (2013), 83–98.
  • ‘Iberian Discoveries: a Janus Perspective’, Early Music, 41 (2013), 30–32.
  • ‘The a cappella Heresy in Spain: An Inquisition into the Performance of the cancionero Repertory’, in (ed.) Sean Gallagher, Secular Renaissance Music: Forms and Functions, A Library of Essays on Renaissance Music, 2 (Farnham: Ashgate, 2013), 105–124.
  • ‘Victoria and the English Choral Tradition’, in (eds) Javier Súarez-Pajares & Manuel del Sol, Estudios Victoria Studies (Madrid: ICCMU, 2013), 71–92.
  • ‘Ritual and Regulations: The Organization of the Castilian Royal Chapel During the Reign of the Catholic Monarchs’, in (ed.) Thomas Schmidt-Beste, Renaissance Music, A Library of Essays on Renaissance Music, 5 (Farnham: Ashgate, 2012).
  • ‘Política y religión en la capilla real aragonesa: el misal-breviario de Fernando el Católico’, in (eds) J. Martínez Millán, M. Rivero Rodríguez, G. Vertsteegan, La corte en Europa. Política y religión (siglos XVI-XVIII), 2 vols (Madrid: Ediciones Polifemo, 2012), 65–84.
  • ‘"Motetes de la Salve": Some Thoughts on the Provenance, Compilation and Use of Seville, Biblioteca Colombina 5-5-20’, in (eds) Walter Clark & Michael O'Connor, The Treasures of the Golden Age: Essays in Honor of Robert M. Stevenson (Hillsdale, NY: Pendragon Press, 2012), 29–58.
  • ‘Preliminary Thoughts on the Dynamics of Music Printing in the Iberian Peninsula during the Sixteenth Century’, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 89/4 (2012), 521–56.
  • ‘Gaffurius, Urrede and Studying Music at Salamanca University around 1500’, Revista de Musicologia, 34/1 (2011), 11–36.
  • ‘Music and Misogyny in the Crown of Aragon c. 1412’, Artigrama, 26 (2011) (Monográfico ‘Las artes en tiempos del Compromiso de Caspe’), 515–31.
  • ‘Music for the Dead: The Anonymous Requiem Mass in E-Zc 17’, in (eds) Tess Knighton & Bernadette Nelson, Pure gold: Sacred Music of the Iberian Renaissance. A Homage to Bruno Turner (Barcelona: Reichenberger Edition, 2011), 262–290.
  • ‘A new Song in a Strange Land? Garcimuños’s Una montaña pasando’, in (eds). Fabrice Fitch & Jacobijn Kiel, ‘Bon jour, Bon mois et bonne estraine’: Essays on Music in Honour of David Fallows (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2011), 186–197.
  • ‘Music in Catalonia from Pedrell to the Present’, in (ed.) Dominic Keown, Companion to Catalan studies (London: Tamesis, 2011), 163–184.
  • ‘Music and Ritual in Urban Spaces: The Case of Lima, 1600’, in (eds) Geoffrey Baker & Tess Knighton, Music and Urban Society in Colonial Latin America (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011), 21–42.
  • ‘Through a Glass Darkly’: Music and Mysticism in Golden Age Spain’, in (ed.) Hilaire Kallendorf, A Companion to Hispanic Mysticism (Leiden: Brill, 2010), 411–36.
  • ‘Hacia el canon musical: la circulación de polifonía en Aragón en el siglo XVI’, en (ed.) Carmen García Morte, El esplendor del Renacimiento en Aragón, Catálogo de la Exposición (Zaragoza: Museo de Aragón, 2009).
  • ‘Marian Devotions in Early Sixteenth-Century Spain: The Case of the Bishop of Palencia, Juan Rodríguez de Fonseca (1451–1524)’, in (eds) Mary Jennifer Bloxam & Gioia Filocamo, ‘Uno gentile et subtile ingenio’: Studies in Renaissance Music in Honour of Bonnie Blackburn (Turnhout: Brépols/ Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance, 2009), 137–46.
  • ‘Music and Devotion at the Court of the Catholic Monarchs’, in (ed.) David Hook, The Spain of the Catholic Monarchs. Papers from the Quincentenary Conference (Bristol, 2004) (Bristol: University of Bristol, 2008), 206–17.
  • ‘Juan del Encina (1468-1529/30)’, Semblanzas de compositores españoles, Revista de la Fundación Juan March, 374 (2008), 2–7.
  • ‘Isabel of Castile and her Music Books: Franco-Flemish Song in Fifteenth-Century Spain’, in (ed.) Barbara Weissberger, Queen Isabel I of Castile: Power, Patronage, Persona (Woodbridge: Tamesis, 2008), 29–52.
  • ‘Morales in Print: Distribution and Ownership in Renaissance Spain’, in (eds) Owen Rees & Bernadette Nelson, Cristóbal de Morales: Sources, Influences, Reception (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2007), 161–75.
  • ‘Libros de canto: Music Books in Zaragoza in the Early 16th Century’, in (eds) Iain Fenlon & Tess Knighton, Early Music Printing and Publishing in the Iberian World (Barcelona: Reichenberger Edition, 2007), 215–39.
  • ‘Song Migrations: The Case of Adorámoste, Señor’, in (eds) Tess Knighton & Álvaro Torrente, Devotional Music in the Iberian World, 1450-1800: The Villancico and Related Genres (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007), 53–76.
  • ‘“Music Why do you Weep?” A Lament for Alexander Agricola’, Early Music, xxxiv/3 (2006), 427–42.
  • ‘Petrucci’s Books in Early Sixteenth-Century Spain’, in (eds) Giulio Cattin & Patrizia alla Vecchia, Venezia 1501: Petrucci e la stampa musicales/ Venice 1501: Petrucci, Music, Print and Publishing (Venice: Edizioni Fondazione Levi, 2005), 623–42.
  • ‘A Meeting of Chapels: Toledo, 1502’, in (eds) Juan José Carreras & Bernado J. García García, The Royal Chapel in the Time of the Habsburgs: Music and Court Ceremony in Early Modern Europe (Woodbridge: The Boydell Pess, 2005), 85–102.
  • ‘La circulación de la polifonía europea en el medio urbano: Libros impresos de música en la Zaragoza de mediados del siglo XVI’, in (eds) A. Bombi, Juan J. Carreras & Miguel A. Marín, Música y cultura urbana en la Edad Moderna (València: Universitat de València, 2005), 337–49.
  • ‘Los libros de música de Felipe II: La formación de una colección real’, in (eds) John Griffiths & Javier Súarez-Pajares, Políticas y prácticas musicales en el mundo de Felipe II (Madrid: ICCMU, 2004), 47–67.
  • ‘Francisco de Peñalosa: New Works Lost and Found’, in (ed.) David Crawford, Encomium musicae: Essays in Memory of Robert J. Snow (Hillsdale, NY: Pendragon Press, 2002), 231–57.
  • ‘Una confluencia de capillas. El caso de Toledo, 1502)’, in (eds) Juan José Carreras & Bernardo J. García García, La capilla real de los Austrias: música y ritual de corte en la Europa moderna (Madrid: Fundación Carlos d’Amberes, 2001), 127–49.
  • (with Carmen Morte) ‘Ferdinand of Aragon’s Entry into Valladolid in 1513: The Triumph of a Christian King’, Early Music History, 18 (1999), 119–63.
  • ‘Spaces and Contexts for Listening in 15th-Century Castile: The Case of the Constable’s palace in Jaén’, Early Music, xxv/4 (1997), 661–77.
  • ‘Work in Progress: Music and Court History’, Newsletter of the Society for Court Studies (1996).
  • ‘A Newly Discovered Keyboard Source (Gonzalo de Baena’s Arte nouamente inuentada pera aprender a tanger, Lisbon, 1540): A Preliminary Report’, Plainsong and Medieval Music, 5/1 (1996), 81–112.
  • ‘Transmisión, difusión y recepción de la polifonía franco-neerlandesa en el reino de Aragón a principios del siglo XVI’, Artigrama, 12 (1996–7), 19–38
  • ‘Cantores reales y las catedrales durante la época de los Reyes Católicos’, Revista de Musicología, xvi/1 (1993), 87–91.
  • ‘Fernando el Católico y el mecenazgo musical de la corte real aragonesa’, Nassarre: Revista Aragonesa de Musicología, ix/2 (1993), 27–51.
  • ‘New Light on Musical Aspects of the Troubadour Revival in Spain’, Journal of the Plainsong and Medieval Society, ii/1 (1993), 87–92.
  • ‘Going Down on Record’, in David Fallows & Tess Knighton (eds), Companion to Medieval and Renaissance Music (London: Dent, 1992; R/ Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997), 30–35.
  • ‘A Day in the Life of Francisco de Peñalosa’, in David Fallows & Tess Knighton (eds), Companion to Medieval and Renaissance Music (London: Dent, 1992; R/ Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997), 79–84.
  • ‘The a cappella Heresy in Spain: An Inquisition into the Performance of the cancionero Repertory’, Early Music, xx/4 (1992), 560–81.
  • ‘Ritual and Regulations: The Organization of the Castilian Royal Chapel During the Reign of the Catholic Monarchs’, in Miscelánea en honor al Prof. Dr José López-Calo, SJ (Santiago de Compostela, 1990), I: 291–320.
  • ‘Music at the Court of Ferdinand and Isabella (1474-1516): The Birth of a New Generation of Composers’, in Iain Fenlon (ed.), Man and Music: The Renaissance (London: Macmillan, 1989), 341–60.
  • ‘Northern Influence on Cultural Developments in the Iberian Peninsula During the 15th Century’, Renaissance Studies, 1/2 (1987), 221–37.




                         Music editions


  • Gonçalo de Baena, Arte para tanger (Lisboa, 1540), Edição e estudo introdutório/Edition and introductory study (Lisboa: Ediçoes Colibri/ CESEM, 2012).
  • Anonymous, Requiem Mass (Mapa Mundi, 2011).
  • Juan de Anchieta, Motets (Mapa Mundi, 2009).
  • Juan de Anchieta: ‘Congratulamini mihi’ (a 3); Gonzalo de Baena: ‘Si dedero’ (a 3); António de Baena: Sanctus & Osanna from Missa Sola la fare mi vida (a 4); in Manuel Pedro Ferreira (ed.), Antologia de Música em Portugal na Idade Média e no Rinascimento, 2 vols (Lisbon, 2008), I: 39–45.
  • Francisco de Peñalosa: Missa Adieu mes amours (Mapa Mundi, 2008).
  • Masterworks from Seville (Faber, 1996)

·         Francisco de Peñalosa: Motets a 3 (Mapa Mundi, 1988).




                          Series editor


  • Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Music (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press) (2002-present; with Helen Deeming from 2008)


1 (ed.) Elizabeth Eva Leach, Machaut’s Music: New Interpretations (November 2003)

2 Kenneth Kreitner, The Church Music of Fifteenth-Century Spain (September 2004) (Robert

  1. Stevenson Prize, 2007)

3 (eds) Suzannah Clark &Elizabeth Eva Leach, Citation and Authority in Medieval and

            Renaissance Musical Culture: Learning from the Learned. Essays in Honour of

            Margaret Bent (December 2005)

4 (eds) Juan José Carreras & Bernado J. García García, The Royal Chapel in the Time of the

             Habsburgs: Music and Court Ceremony in Early Modern Europe (September 2005)

5 (ed.) James Haar, European Music, 1520-1640 (June 2006)

6 (eds) Owen Rees & Bernadette Nelson, Cristóbal de Morales: Sources, Influences,

             Reception (July 2007)

7 (eds) Susan Boynton & Eric Rice, Young Choristers 650-1700 (October 2008)

8 Ian Rumbold with Peter Wright, Hermann Pötzliger’s Music Book: The St Emmeram

         Codex and its Contents (September 2009)

9 Emma Hornby, Medieval Liturgical Chant and Patristic Exegesis: Words and Music in

        Second Mode Tracts (July 2009)

10 Clive Walkley, Juan Esquivel: A Master of Sacred Music during the Spanish Golden Age

         ( November 2010)

11 (eds) Fabrice Fitch & Jacobijn Kiel, Essays on Renaissance Music in Honour of David

          Fallows. Bon jour, bon mois et bonne estrenne (July 2011)

12 Mary Tiffany Ferrer, Music and Ceremony at the Court of Charles V: The capilla

           flamenca and the Art of Political Promotion (March 2012)

13 Emma Hornby & Rebecca Maloy, Music and Meaning in Old Hispanic Lenten Chants:

           Psalmi, Threni and the Easter Vigil Canticles (October 2013)

14 Katherine Butler, Music in Elizabethan Court Politics (2015)

15 Jeremy L. Smith, Verse and Voice in Byrd’s Song Collections of 1588 and 1589 (January


16 (ed.) Catherine A. Bradley & Karen Desmond, The Montpellier Codex: The Final

             Fascicle: Contexts, Contents, Chronologies (February 2018)

17 (ed.) Jared C. Hartt, A Critical Companion to Medieval Motets (May 2018)

18 Eric Jas, Piety and Polyphony in Sixteenth-Century Holland: The Choirbooks of St Peter’s

            Church, Leiden (November 2018)

19 (eds) Katherine Butler & Samantha Bassler, Music Myth and Story in Medieval and Early

            Modern Culture (March 2019)

20 (eds) Wolfgang Fhurmann & Cristina Urcheguía, The Segovia Manuscript: A European

           Musical Repertory in Spain c.1500 (November 2019)

21 (eds) Tristan E. Franklinos & Henry Hope, Revisiting the Codex Buranus: Contents,

           Contexts, Compositions (May 2020)

22 (eds) Tess Knighton & David Skinner (eds), Music of the Middle Ages (2020)

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Clare College, Cambridge:


Who’s Who [I can’t find this on-line!]


Historical soundscapes/ Paisajes sonoros históricos:

Fundación Juan March, Madrid:

Boydell & Brewer Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Music:

Research identity:

ORCID  0000-0002-8529-9376

SCOPUS  26121198300

World of Science  AAA-1117-2019

